The most addicted Action Adventure game on Windows Phone Store, run and shoot giant and tiny bugs like never before. Big battle with the different giant bosses.
Sok, a fat boy with a cap on his head, look naughty and Sao, a thinner boy with smile face are the main actors of the game. Both hands a gun to fight with the world’s enemies, mosquito, other insects and birds.
Let’s experience Asian view in game, from Cambodia, Angkor Temple to The Amazon rainforest, Brazil. These countries are currently infected by dengue fever.
Your mission with Sok and Sao is to save our world from Dengue Fever by destroy Aedes mosquitoes, the primarily transmitter of Dengue virus. Together we need to raise awareness. Play it and share where you have reached, by capture and share your screenshot of the game.
Watch the Trailer Here
Download The Game
Windows Phone: Here
Android: Google Playstore / Amazon Store
iOS: (coming soon)